A report from the Mud Ball Ball


From: Stewart Hoyt <stewarthoyt1@gmail.com>
Date: June 7, 2017 at 12:18:20 AM EDT
To: dd@moscollective.net
Subject: Mbb

In the piazza of "Mudballia" that  we manifested together in Jardin del Paraiso, I got glimpses of a world I want to live in. The green and glade with its gentle curvature and sky coming down close, made a hole in rectilineararity for I and I and nature to live timelessly. The calm continuity of People making things together and sharing sought knowings, healed my smashed awareness from out side Paraiso's gate where images flash mad consumption, faster, faster.


A Report from the village art guild.


Artists from 2 to 75 years old accumulated under a tree, on the edge of the town green. Using pieces of curated card board from recycling, (the two ply cardboard is nice because it is rigid), ink made from the husks of black walnut and nature based drawing tools such as bamboo pens, feathers and brushes, we made portraits, mandalas and abstract designs that we took home for our kitchens. 


I regret that I didn't get pictures of all the creators and creations but here are some:



Stewart Hoyt